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Should I go for Dedicated or Shared Teams?

Dedicated teams work well for businesses who know how many agents they need and want full control over their workload, e.g. customer contacts, back office tasks, reporting.

Shared teams work well for businesses who don't have a constant amount of customer service work but still want to be available to customers over a long period of time.

Dedicated Teams
Shared Teams
Dedicated Teams
£9.65/ Hour

All inclusive hourly rate, no extra costs. Do you want a small team helping for a few hours, or a large team and multi-year transformation plan? Frictionless and flexible teams at your finger tips.

Unbeatable value
First 30 days for free
Cancel any time, no questions asked
Go-live in as little as 14 days
24/7 and multi-lingual
How many agents or hours do you need? Use the slider or type a number into the boxes
Save over 41% versus in-house costs
Total weekly cost
Total monthly cost
Total annual cost
Hourly rate

What's included?

No additional charge for supervision and management.
Above industry standard supervisor to agent ratio of 1:8
Operations manager in your local country (e.g. UK, US, AUS)
Shrinkage (e.g. holidays, team meetings etc.)
Hardware including a 2nd monitor
No hidden costs
No increased rate for evenings or weekends
No increased rate for evenings or weekends

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Frequently asked questions

Shared teams work well for businesses who don't have a constant amount of customer service work but still want to be available to customers over a long period of time. Dedicated teams work well for businesses who know how many agents they need and want full control over their workload, e.g. customer contacts, back office tasks, reporting.

45% is the average saving, we save our clients between 35% and 55% of their customer service operational cost. We can do this because of our proprietary technology and unique operational formula. 

Yes, we only operate in countries where data protection regulation tightly mirrors GDPR, and we have best in-class lawyers representing each region.
Our offshore operations are secured by a comprehensive approach to cyber security, our systems and applications are secured in accordance with best practice in the context of that technology.
For example, endpoints are always configured with security updates automatically installed, virus and malware scanners installed, firewalls configured and so forth. 

You fill in online questionnaires about your business, and your onboarding manager ensures that we've captured all the knowledge we can about your business, systems and processes before the 1st training group takes place.

Normally most clients host the 1st training group and once we've got the initial team set up then our Resolvable training team can take over for future training groups if you wish.

Yes, most of our clients have existing teams, your new Resolvable team can help in the hours your team don't work, or they can work directly alongside your team in unison.

Backed by a guarantee

  • First 30 days are completely free
  • Cancel any time, no questions asked
  • Free consultancy from our CS experts
  • Your money back if we under-perform
  • And much more
✣ Dependent on product type and subject to our terms & conditions

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Our proprietary technology and unique operational formula allows us to offer flawless quality of service at an extremely cost-effective price.


Agents can gain feedback and tips for the service they provide whilst companies drive exceptional service through accountability.

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